Apply These 6 Secret Techniques to Attract Girls on Facebook


Just found an attract girl on Facebook? Won’t you love to approach her and turn her into your girlfriend? Well, it is easier said than done.

As you don’t want to end up appearing creepy or a stalker on Facebook. We shall discuss some tips to attract girls on Facebook without creating an impression of a prowler.

Facebook Dating Tips That Helps Attract Girls

You may or may not know the girl. You may find her ‘hot’, ‘beautiful’, ‘smart’, ‘witty’…. Uhhmmm…… basically your type of a girl. She may just be living in your area or you have common friends on Facebook. It may even be possible; you may or may not love her yet. All you know, you are interested in knowing this girl personally and will do anything to attract girls on Facebook. The following dating tips for Facebook will help you create some interests amongst girls regarding your profile.

#1. Make Your Profile Picture Attractive

The first thing anyone looks for in a Facebook profile is the profile picture. You need to create a fun, interesting, social or smart profile picture of yourself. Get creative, take photographs of yourself in interesting places. Take a million selfie for that picture perfect profile picture.

You can even take a cue from the girls’ interests and set your profile picture based on that.

If she is a dog lover, click your photo in a playful pose with a dog. If she loves music, how about a profile picture of yourself playing a guitar. In case, you are a good dancer, how about a profile picture doing your smart dance move! And in case you have a terribly boring life, just click a photograph standing in attractive places or doing something awesome like sitting with a double jumbo ice cream sandwich!

#2. Master the Art of Tagging

If the girl is a common friend and appears in photographs of your friends, you need learn to start tagging. This means, start tagging your friends in their pictures or tagging your friends to your pictures.

Tag everyone, just not the girl of your interest. RESULT? The girl you want to attract will definitely see the tagged photos in her general feed results.

This will cause her to see how attractive the other girls looked and if the tagged girls commented or responded to you in any way. This way, she will end up commenting on your photographs. This way you can hit upon a golden conversation with the girl you wish to attract!

#3. You Need To Appear Interesting and Authentic

Girls love boys who are likeable, fun loving and have something interesting to offer. Show-offs, pranksters as well as inane kind of boys put them off. Thus, make sure your activities replicate everything likeable such as pictures with your buddies bowling, a fun dinner with your friends at a popular pub with many attractive female friends, photos that show you busy with your authentic hobby such as hiking! Show the girl you are a social animal with normal interests and a streak of uniqueness.

#4. Fill Your Profile Details in an Interesting Way

Lives: Your Heart

Workplace: A Girls Mind

STOP!!! This is the worst kind of profile data you can possibly keep public and expect it to attract girls. Fill the profile data with genuine data such as the area you live in, your birth date, your work information, etc.

Do not fill it up with crazy information, as it will cause the girl to doubt you as a person.

Give her a base to start trusting you and find something that is common. You need to show some vulnerability to help build her trust towards you.

#5. Send Her A Friend Request

Once you hold her attention by figuring out on her general feed or speaking to her through comments on your friends feeds, send her a Friend Request. She will definitely go through your basic profile information as well as a few photographs to be sure. She may or may not instantly accept your friend request.

#6. Build a Strong Personality of Yourself on Facebook

A picture says a thousand words. Well, in today’s social media world, a million. It is through pictures a girl will get attracted to you on Facebook. You will feature in different photographs uploaded by yourself as well as your friends and family.

Make sure each picture tells an interesting and unique story related to your personality.

You need to appear confident, kind, a guy with a sense of humor, as well as a guy with a way with words. She needs to understand certain qualities in you in order to get attracted to you. Once you are able to make a woman feel good about you, you have won half the battle.

Once she accepts you friend request, do not bombard her with chats. A casual ‘Hi’ and ‘Hello’, will give you an idea how soon does she respond to your conversations. If she is taking ages, means she is not interested in you. And if the conversations are instant, well, the luck is on your side. Start complimenting her on her photos, status updates as well as comment sensibly on their posts. Soon, these short conversations will lead to exchange of numbers and before you know, you will be spending a dinner date face-to-face and not on Facebook!