The 8 Stages of Intimate Relationships Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid


Making a relation made out of love, intimate is no child’s play. Hold on, have you started thinking already? As they say a relation without an intimacy certainly indicates a trouble in the paradise of love, isn’t it? But can you simply demand intimacy in your relationship?

Well certainly not. Intimacy comes with a natural and an influential feel that indicates the certainly and longevity of your relationship. However there is a thin line between sex and intimacy that most couples fail to address and recognize in their relations and this is exactly where trouble begins!

Couples generally experience hot and happening stages in the start of their relationships, however when things start subsiding, they start moving away from each other. This is essentially because they lack intimacy which is very different from sex in itself.

So, what exactly is intimacy?

Well intimacy might end up at sex, but certainly doesn’t begin with making love or rather even coming closer. It’s the state in which the couple is free to enjoy almost each of the smallest aspects in their relationships. This is a stage where sex is a mere reflection and not the destination or goal for you.

Couples in love with each other are considered to be intimate when they can simply roam around naked with each other, brush bathe or sleep close to each other. This is a serene and pure form of love that when achieved; give eminence pleasure and so much satisfaction.

It would be wrong to quote that physical intimacy is earned rather demanded from your partner and this just doesn’t happen overnight. Read further to understand the basic steps towards a loving, hot and intimate relationship:

Don’t let your libidos decide the future of your relationships!

Even if you have your soul mate with you. This someone special might be the one for you while it might be the same person you desired for long. No matter how attractive they are and how much love is there, sexual desires and libido tends to subside while you date or stay with each other for long. The burn up comes down with time, no matter what and this is completely natural. You desire for sex is still there but a little lesser now. So in this case let the intimacy between you and your partner do the magic. Don’t ignore or over look sex, but there is a lot between you two, beyond sex too!

First Stage of an Intimate Relationship

When you guys met for the first time. You clicked and came to know that there is something that connects the both of you. This is just the beginning of a long term and a happy life. There is a lot of happiness, anticipation, apprehensions, attraction, desires and everything is red hot at this point of time.

Second Stage of an Intimate Relationship

Now that the desires are steaming up and getting closer is the ultimate goal at the moment. You start spending more and more time with each other. You start serving pretty to your partner, start paying attention to your looks and dream about that moment when you would come in each other’s arms. There is love in the air, coupled with the tension to make love too.

Third Stage of an Intimate Relationship

Now that true love, attraction, trust and value are aspects all in the right places. Sex is something ruling your mind to completely win over your love. You have a strong hold, a straight gaze in your partner’s eyes, while the rest that happens is epic and simply beyond words. This is the stage wherein your souls and bodies, both unite and emerge in each other.

Fourth Stage of an Intimate Relationship

Sex drives you crazy and you just can’t stop thinking of those love bites on your bare body. A single thought and the fragrance of your partner’s body turn you on and sets of an imaginary mission. This is surely out of love, but eventually you start lusting for your dose of love. You partner becomes your survival kit by now!

Fifth Stage of an Intimate Relationship

Now that you have finally earned your lover with your love, lust and passion. You certainly drift over to other meaner things in life. The love is equally strong and going great by the days. It’s just that sex is just not the only thing ruling your mind now. The temptation has toned down and love along with care has taken a seat a bit ahead now.

Sixth Stage of an Intimate Relationship

Now that you have each other by your side you guys have started to work towards making life a better one for your future. This is a stage when sex and love take a back row, but all that you’re doing right now is simply because of the love that you guys share and trust each other to be together for a lifetime.

Seventh Stage of an Intimate Relationship

You guys simple love each other’s company. You are totally and madly in love. No matter you have sex, cuddle up, roam about naked, go on an adventure or simply cook dinner. What you do together is simply a secondary aspect, while being together becomes a priority and you do anything for it.

Eighth Stage of an Intimate Relationship

You guys complete own each other by now. Intimacy has worked its supreme magic over you guys. A simple flirty text does most of the job and you your partner gets hot and horny after you reach back after work. You gaze in each other’s eyes and get turned on. You love and rub each other’s emotions, even without sex, but eventually a single touch from your partner, just blows your joy.

You start discussing your favorite positions and encourage each other to get intimate, comfortable and attain pleasure in the way you like. Being frank about satisfying and fulfilling each other, physically, emotionally and what more would you ever want from life!